This year, a number of measures are being taken in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 19, 2022 “On measures to radically improve the system of work with youth in the neighborhoods.”
It is no coincidence that 2022 has been named the “Honoring Human Dignity and an Active Neighborhood”. The neighborhood is a small part of society. At present, the mahallas are being given full attention, and propaganda and advocacy work is being carried out in the mahallas to involve citizens in public affairs, to ensure the peace and harmony of families in the mahallas, and to control the employment of minors.
In this regard, a methodology for organizing work in mahallas has been developed on the basis of the principle “One intellectual – one spiritual sponsor of one mahalla.” In particular, on the basis of this principle, professors and teachers of the Kattakurgan branch of Samarkand State University are carrying out a number of spiritual and educational work. In particular, professors and teachers of the branch visited “Usmon Nosir”, “Islam Shoir”, “Damariq”, “Alisher Navoi”, “Amir Temur” and other mahallas in Kattakurgan.
In an exchange of views with the chairman of the mahalla citizens’ assembly, the conditions in the mahallas were studied in detail.
In particular, the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Language Teaching Anvar Sobirov visited Amir Temur mahalla.
During Anvar Sobirov’s visit to the mahalla, the socio-spiritual environment of the mahalla was studied. The work was divided into weeks and carried out in stages. Together with Mirzayev Jamshid Kurbanovich it was considered that there are 1891 farms and 1764 houses in the mahalla. special attention was paid.
In addition, in the future, various events are planned in the mahallas. Practical work was carried out to systematically study the level of reading and interest of residents in the mahallas. clarifying all the questions and increasing their interest in higher education.